Work Health & Safety Inductions

 Welcome to the work health and safety induction course page for all people performing any task or undertaking. This includes employees, volunteers, workers, contractors, sub-contractors – essentially anyone involved in making this activity come true.

This compulsory induction program will give you a brief overview of necessary information to help you stay safe while working on site.

Completion of a mandatory induction for your specific event is required by law for every person entering the site to work.
A WHS induction program will usually cover a wide range of work health and safety issues including the health and safety responsibilities of the employer and the employee as well as the organisation’s process for reporting incidents and hazards in the workplace, risk management procedures, and its emergency and first aid procedures.
WHS induction should not be limited to employees. Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) employers have a primary duty of care to ensure the health and safety of all “workers”, defined to include contractors or subcontractors (and their employees), labour hire employees, apprentices and trainees, volunteers, outworkers and work experience students. WHS induction programs should therefore be extended to all such “workers”.
Under Section 21(2)(e) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, an employer must provide adequate information, instruction, training and supervision to employees so that they can work in a way that is safe and without risks to health.
Note that this duty is NOT limited by ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’ – it is an absolute duty.
The employer must therefore ensure that all new workers – whether newly employed, or new to the work site – are provided with training, sometimes referred to as ‘Induction Training’. 
If you have any queries about WHS Inductions please email us here.
The logos below show all active and current WHS Inductions.
Please click the link for the event that is appropriate to you.
If you are managing a team of workers, volunteers, contractors or others ensure they have also completed the specific event induction.